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Just war
The concept of a just war is old. as long ago as ancient Egypt the concept existed although it was presented as a divinely ordained act. All civilisations have wrestled with the moral question of when is it justified to kill others and destroy what people have made to support their lives. The Hindu epic...
Henning Mankell, the Swedish author, recently wrote in an article on his attraction to Africa about the nomads of the Kalahari and their storytelling: “It struck me as I listened to those two men that a truer nomination for our species than Homo sapiens might be Homo narrans, the storytelling person. What differentiates us from animals is...
NHS Citizen Bristol workshop
29/07/2014 Last week I attended an NHS Citizen workshop. This was my first time at an NHS Citizen event. This note describes what I think NHS Citizen is, what challenges it faces and how it might succeed. NHS Citizen is an active communication channel whereby the NHS England board will be informed about issues of...
Pensées George Holyoake